Benefits of Clay Masks on Your Skin – Wicked Fox

Af Darby Allan

Benefits of Clay Masks on Your Skin

Clay masks are one of the most consistently popular skin care items available. Corporate overlords, influencers, models, & celebrities will often times use clay masks in their skin care routines because of how effective they can be.  

Benefits of Clay Mask include:

  • Clearing your skin
  • Brightening your skin
  • Reducing oily skin
  • Hydrating dry skin
  • Protecting you from breaking out
  • Restoring skin balance
  • Many clay masks have natural anti-microbial properties
  • Restoring your skin's pH balance
  • Preventing against skin diseses
  • Oxygenating skin cells
  • Regulating sebum production
  • And many are completely natural & organic (always check ingredients)


How do clay masks work?

Clay has a natural ability to soak up most materials, which means when applied as a mask directly to your skin, it might help unclog your skin of toxins and give your face or other parts of your body a brighter look.

What makes a clay mask stand out from the bulk of the products in the skincare aisle?

One compound to have an eye for is Kaolin or white clay. Wicked Fox uses Kaolin Clay in our products. It is an important component in pulling out oils from your skin and clearing those pores.

Keep in mind that your skin may feel tighter after its application. It can serve as an indicator of a good clay mask. 

11 Breathtaking Benefits of Using Clay Face Masks

1. Help Clear Your Skin

Through the course of the day, your skin encounters many pollutants, such as dirt, oil, dust, and many other impurities that can accumulate on your skin, ultimately leaving it to be rough and giving your pores a larger appearance.

It can cause skin cells to die as these pollutants accumulate on your skin’s surface. When these aren’t dealt with properly, it may lead to a breakout in the foreseeable future.

It is the primary reason that exfoliation is recommended to be carried out regularly to keep your skin clean and get rid of any pollutants that might want to stick around.

2. Brightens Your Skin

You can’t help but wonder why you look sort of dull today – it’s time to pick up another clay mask. Your skin may look dull because of clogged up pores that can hide the real look of your skin – which in itself is due to lack of skin maintenance and exfoliation.

We found that using a clay mask for a mere ten minutes multiple times a week may significantly help your skin health and leave it looking bright and fresh.

As a bonus, if your principal concern tends to lean towards a general dullness of skin, try using a product with activated charcoal, which in itself is very useful for this purpose.

3. Your Solution for Oily Skin

We all have struggled with oily skin at one point or another, and clay mask is the answer to your prayers. The detoxifying abilities of clay can help give your skin a matte texture, and that is what everyone with oily skin prays for.

The clay mask can help absorb the excess oil on your skin – essentially, this reduces the amount of excessive shine you may struggle with. You can sit back and relax; rest assured this won’t be a problem any longer.

4. Great for Hydrating Dry Skin

Even if you have great clear skin, your skin, being the largest organ of your body, still needs a tad bit care – that care presents itself in the form of moisture. Your skin is a sucker for moisture.

If you’ve ever experienced dry, scaly skin that may have an ashy appearance, then maybe your skin needs moisture. Lucky for you, clay masks can help with that, too.

However, it is important to note that this is specific to a few variants of clay; some types of clay can oil so well that it can hinder dryness. Keep an out for masks that contain sodium hyaluronate and glycerine, which are well known hydrating compounds.

5. Clay Masks Protect Your Skin from Breaking Out

Larger pores mean more accumulation of oil, which can, in turn, make an environment perfect for nurturing bacteria and eventually result in breakouts and skin that is more prone to acne. The use of clay masks can help avoid all this and make your skin less prone to acne.

6. Restores the Skin Balance

You’ve been following me this far; you definitely have some sort of interest, and that may be either you’re genuinely interested, or you still haven’t found what you were looking for.

If that’s the case, then maybe you have combination skin – skin that is too oily or has no oil at all, or maybe either incredibly prone to acne or very resistant.

7. Anti-Microbial Properties

Hydrated clay can also play a significant role in regulating microscopic life on your skin. When applied to your skin and left to dry, the clay binds to the bacteria and takes the dead bacterial cells down when you wash them.

8. Prevents Against Skin Diseases

Since clay can reduce the amount of bacteria on your skin, it’s not always considered to be a great thing since there are many species of bacteria that exist in harmony and are actually beneficial to humans.

However, clay does not wipe out an entire colony of bacteria but only regulates their numbers. It allows the bacterial population to jump back to normal in due time. Clay masks can act as remedies for diseases like eczema, dermatitis, and even psoriasis.

9. Oxygenating Your Skin Cells

It not only cleans your skin surface but, once it unclogs your pores, it allows for more oxygen to be in contact with living skin cells. This increased amount of oxygen can be beneficial to the skin tissue and aid in the rejuvenation of the cells. It has an overall positive impact on circulation and results in healthier skin.

10. Regulates Sebum Production

Sebum is secreted naturally by our skin; it is an oily substance to ward off dryness. But, in many cases, as our immune systems are hyper-activated or the body is under tremendous stress, the body can over-produce sebum.

This excess sebum can result in the development of oily skin and consequently, acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and skin blemishes.

While treating the root cause of the overproduction must be done on its part by adjusting diet and lifestyle, clay masks can help minimize the symptoms by soaking the excess sebum.

11. Completely Organic

Clay masks have the lowest side effects when compared to other cosmetic products because they are completely organic and do not include any man-made chemical compounds that may irritate your skin.

It is a huge plus point when we consider the current ecosystem of skincare products, which are loaded with synthetic compounds, such as BPAs and parabens.

It is evident by the fact that clay masks have an anti-inflammatory effect and can work to reduce skin inflammation.


The Bottom Line

Try a clay mask and see what works for you. While no one product is ever going to be the key to protecting your skin, clay masks can be a critical addition to your weekly routine to help brighten things up even more. 

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