Fox Den – tagged "Dating & Lifestyle" – Page 7 – Wicked Fox

Fox Den

  • Age Ain't Nothing But A Number: Age-Gap Relationships Can Work

    Age Ain't Nothing But A Number: Age-Gap Relationships Can Work

    Age-gap relationships between older men and younger men often get a bad rap, but it's high time we destigmatize them. People of any age can form meaningful connections and experience love, regardless of differences in life experiences or financial backgrounds. It's important to note that all relationships involve power dynamics, and the balance of power doesn't necessarily correlate to age. The older man can be a mentor and guide for his younger partner, while the younger man can bring fresh perspective and energy to the relationship. So let's stop judging couples based on the age gap, and instead celebrate their love!
  • Does Your Family Hate The Boyfriend?

    Does Your Family Hate The Boyfriend?

    It's a time old story - the bond between two people being tested by disapproving family members. You can feel the tension in the air, as you debate between pleasing your parents and following your heart. Will you choose love or tradition? This is not an easy question to answer, but one thing is for sure: If you don't confront these issues head on, they only stand to get worse. Just look at Monster-in-Law if you need convincing of that! No matter how difficult it may be, it's important to face this problem together and search for a compromise.
  • 8 Tips for Making Long-Distance Relationships Work

    8 Tips for Making Long-Distance Relationships Work

    Navigating a successful long-distance relationship isn't easy, but it can be done! With the right mindset and strategies, you and your partner can maintain a strong bond despite the physical separation. Being in a long-distance relationship doesn't mean you have to give up on all the fun and romantic experiences that come with being together. By being creative, proactive, and mindful of each other's needs, couples can still find ways to make their relationship work. In this blog post, we'll cover eight tips for maintaining a happy and healthy long-distance relationship.
  • 9 Reasons You're Getting Ghosted

    9 Reasons You're Getting Ghosted

    Ghosting is an unfortunate reality in the modern dating world. It can be confusing and hurtful, leaving you wondering what you did wrong. Here are 9 reasons why someone might ghost on you and how to avoid it in the future.


  • What Your First Date Outfit Reveals About You

    What Your First Date Outfit Reveals About You

    When you're getting ready for your first date with that special someone, it's important to remember that your outfit can say a lot about who you are and what you're looking for in a relationship. While it's important to be true to yourself and show off your personal style, there are also certain things to consider when choosing an appropriate outfit.
  • 9 Mistakes That Can Wreck A Perfect Dick Pic

    9 Mistakes That Can Wreck A Perfect Dick Pic

    Love 'em or hate 'em - dick pics are a requirement in the gay world. Did you just message someone wanting a cute date? Sorry - you're going to need a dick pic. And there is nothing worse than a gross, nasty, poorly done dick pic. I don't care if you have a monster cock - with poor techniques you're going to have an unattractive dick pic. We asked around for tips and here is what the gays around Portland thought. Read on to get those 9 Mistakes That Can Wreck A Perfect Dick Pic.