Cumming Too Fast? 8 Ways to Hit the Brakes (Without Ruining the Ride) – Wicked Fox

Por Darby Allan

Cumming Too Fast? 8 Ways to Hit the Brakes (Without Ruining the Ride)


Lets face it, fellas. Sometimes things get a little too heated in the bedroom (and that's a good thing...usually). But for some of us, that hot fire can turn into a runaway train a little quicker than we'd like. Hey, no shame in the game! Lasting longer is a skill that takes practice, and lucky for you, we've got some fun (and informative!) tips to help keep things rolling – at a pace that works for both of you.

1. The Squeeze Play (But Not That Kind): Ever heard of the pelvic floor? It's like a hidden gym down there, and strengthening it can be a game-changer. Try doing Kegels throughout the day (think holding in your pee halfway). Trust us, your downstairs tenant will thank you later.

2. Talk Yourself: Before you get too caught up in the moment, take a mental breather. Focus on areas that are pleasurable but don't necessarily send you over the edge. Think slow strokes on your inner thigh or a gentle massage on your shoulders. Communication is key, after all, even if it's just with yourself!

3. The Stop-and-Go Show: This isn't about traffic jams, but about controlling the flow (pun intended!). When you feel yourself getting close, take a little break. Talk to your partner, kiss, hug, or maybe even grab a snack (seriously, a little distraction can work wonders!). Once you're feeling back in control, jump back in the game.

4. The Sensory Shuffle: Sometimes, all it takes is a change of scenery (well, not literally, but you get the idea). Switch things up! Move from one area of stimulation to another, try a different position, or even incorporate a cool (or warm!) toy. Keeping things fresh can help prevent sensory overload.

5. The Deep Breath Before the Big Dive: Just like with any athletic feat (and let's face it, sex can be a workout!), proper breathing is key. Focus on slow, deep breaths when you feel yourself getting worked up. It'll not only calm you down but can also heighten your overall pleasure.

6. Communication is Key (No Lock Required): Talk to your partner! Let them know what feels good and what might be pushing you over the edge too quickly. A good partner will want to make sure you're both enjoying the ride, so don't be shy!

7. Lube Up Your Confidence! Sometimes, a little dryness can lead to increased sensitivity, which can translate to...well, you get it. Using a good-quality lube can not only make things more comfortable but can also help you stay in control.

8. Remember, It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint: The most important thing is to focus on enjoying the experience together. Don't get too hung up on lasting a certain amount of time. The more relaxed you are, the longer you're likely to last – and that goes for both of you!

Bonus Tip: If you're still having trouble, there's no shame in talking to a healthcare professional. They can offer personalized advice and help you find solutions that work for you.

So, there you have it! With a little practice and these fun tips, you'll be a master of your pleasure domain in no time. Now get out there and have some fun (at a pace that works for you both)!

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