Tips for Roleplaying – Wicked Fox

Por Darby Allan

Tips for Roleplaying

Role-playing is the easiest but most effective way to diversify your sex life. If you are ashamed or unsure of your acting skills, believe me, this is not a prerequisite. All you need is a drop of imagination and a sense of humor. If you do not even have a serious home show, you will have fun, which is good for the relationship. Read how role-playing games affect sexuality, what they need and what scenario to choose. And remember, sex should be safe.

Long-term relationships and life together bring a lot of daily habits into our lives, problems begin to extinguish the passion and later sex risks becoming the same "habit on Thursdays". This often happens because everyday affairs and life difficulties occupy much more of our thoughts than romantic evenings together, as is the case in the first months of the candy-bouquet period of relationships. The real difficulties in sex life begin when even such a seemingly effective and enjoyable method as sex no longer distracts from personal or sexual problems.

When you’re ready to take sex to the next level, sexual role playing can be the perfect way to heighten your pleasure.

Preparing for a role play

First, think about the difficulties and unspoken things in your life with partner.

Wrong roles or scripts can ruin everything.

Try to carefully bring your partner to what worries him, identify sore spots, catch random phrases, but do not talk about it openly, because you risk turning everything into a little home scandal, not a fun game.

Ask about your partner's fantasies. To make your game great, write a simple script.

Role-playing rules:

  • Start the game in a few hours. Send a message to your partner, for example: "Doctor, I have a headache, can I make an appointment with you late tonight?".
  • Don't start if you are not sure that you will finish.
  • Do not change clothes and do not prepare when you are together. You have to meet ready to play.
  • Play to the end. None of the partners can take off their costume in the middle of the game and stop.
  • If you did not have a ready-made script from the beginning.
  • Don't try to be a great actor.
  • We recommend that you agree with your partner on a "stop word", or unacceptable things.
  • We recommend that you agree with your partner on a "stop word", or unacceptable things.

Interesting topics:

Doctor, School, Police, First Date, Office, Airplane Pilot, Detective, Superheroes. Make sure you're on the same page before diving in. A scenario in which you're the doctor and your partner is the patient, for example, could have myriad different ways of being played out. Establish a framework together for what things are off-limits and what things you both think are sexy.

In role play, you’re limited only by your imagination. Think of any scenario that turns you on even if it’s just the excitement of a first date with someone you’ve been lusting over. Your dirty thoughts are sexy inspiration for all your role play games.

Some tips:

Massage, striptease, BDSM toys. Bestselling Better Booty Bundle - will make your ass bright, delicious and glow up your hole.

You can buy sexy costumes online, from adult stores or costume shops, or you can use what you have in your wardrobe to put together the perfect outfit for your character. Dressing up isn't required, but it can definitely make your scene feel more real. It can also be great fun. We recommend using Fisting Butter and your games will bring only pleasure.

Experiment by committing to staying in character for a certain amount of time; the more time that elapses, the less awkward you'll feel. But the most important commitment to make when role-playing is not to judge — yourself or your partner.


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